Jumat, 30 Juni 2017


           What we experience for the sake of friends is sometimes exhausting and annoying, but that is what makes friendship beautiful. Friendship often presents some trials, but true friendship can overcome the trials even grow together. Friendship is not automatic but requires A long process like iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen their friends. Friendship is colored with various experiences of joy and sorrow, consoled-hurt, cared-let down, overheard-ignored, assisted-rejected, but these are never intentionally done for the purpose of hatred 
A friend will not hide his mistake to avoid a dispute, precisely because of his love he ventured to rebuke what it is, 
Companions never wrap a blow with a kiss, but declare what is very painful with the goal of his friend will change 
Process of friends become friends But not when we need help, we have the motivation to seek attention, help and affection from others, but instead take the initiative to give and realize what is needed by his friend.
His longing is to be part of his friend's life, Because there is no friendship that begins with an egoistic attitude.
Everyone will need a true friend, but not everyone gets it. There are also many who have enjoyed the beauty of friendship, yet others are so devastated by the betrayal of his friend.
But this destroyer of friendship has been broken off by the best-trained friends of his motivation. Having a true friend is worth more than a thousand selfish friends. In the heyday, friends know us. In misery, we know our friends. Remember the last time you were in trouble. Who is beside you?. Who loves you when you feel unloved?
Who wants to be with you when there is nothing you can give?  They are your friends.  Respect and always keep your friendship with them. Because a friend can be closer than you yourself.

The importance of hijab

For a woman has an obligation to maintain the honor and dignity of each other so that other people, especially the men are reluctant to him. In maintaining the honor and price for a woman there must be a struggle because it has a tremendous obstacle big not only from within even external factors and the environment and friends are very big influence on our own. One way to keep the honor and pricing for every woman is always cover her naked wherever and wherever located. The use of hijab is a step to always keep and cover aurat for Muslim women who must be in accordance with the rules and rules that have been set either in al qur'an or as sunnah.
In fact, most cases that occur today such as crime, kidnapping, murder and until the rape of women has occurred and become one of the factors women always indulgence aurat to the non-muhrimnya. Hence covering up this aurat should be done not only obligations for Muslim women but to keep from all things that are not desirable.
Currently clothing that can be used to cover the genitals are very much a choice whether it is a modern or a simple model though. With a variety of models and great designs you can choose clothes that match you and your own character. Even Muslim clothes today are very adjust to the current era so it still looks fashionable and not old school. So lets start to wearing hijab.

The importance of preserving culture

The national culture that should be the pride and should be preserved now begins to disappear due to the entry of foreign culture (modern). We as citizens of Indonesia who have full rights over the culture should preserve it instead of putting it aside with a variety of reasons such as fear of being outdated, feared not updated, tacky, and so forth.
When viewed through a global aspect, globalization becomes a challenge for all aspects of life as well as culture-related. Traditional cultures reflecting an unfavorable work ethic will not survive in a global era. The global era demands our readiness to readily change the changing times and be able to take every opportunity. Traditional culture in Indonesia is actually more creative and not imitative, which becomes a problem is to maintain the identity of the nation. As a simple example, the culture of "gotong royong" in Indonesia is now almost eroded, individual and do not want to know with others is a reflection that seems today. It is important to think that our culture can still reflect the nation's personality. Traditional culture is a noble heritage.
In the era of globalization, traditional culture began to erode. People, youngsters prefer to spend their time accessing the Internet rather than learning dance from their own culture. People will be proud when they can imitate Western-style dress and think of its ancient and outdated culture. Globalization will always provide change, we must examine whether these cultures are positive or negatife.


In Indonesia we know tolerance. Rarely sound tolerance. In fact, the English word toleration and to tolerate are usually translated respectively tolerant and tolerant. This is not so precise. There is quite an important difference between the two.
The meaning of tolerance can be understood from the two elements it contains. First, there is a thing or action that is not approved. Second, the attitude of allowing things or actions that are not approved it. A person is said to be correlated if when he is dealing with, for example, opinions, religious teachings, or different habits, he does nothing to eliminate, ban, or annoy him.
If he only allows the thing or action he approves, his name is not tolerated. And if he beats or throws stones at people or possessions of people who have or do something they oppose, that is clearly not toleration. Tolerance, tolerance, contains a third element: the will of the heart to tolerate and the ability to realize that will. This third element is important because it reflects the world view, the point of view, or the ideal life attitude that is in accordance with the plurality of society, culture, religion, race, ideology, etc. on the earth today.

Toleration can occur without tolerance. For example, in the New Order era, there was a lot of tolerance. However, it happens mainly because of two things. First, the state imposed it. People do not interfere with other people who do not agree or live differently for fear that the state will catch them. Secondly, the state is covering up and banning every word and action that is supposed to trigger antitolation. People do not know and, therefore, do not think about it.
Now the Indonesian state no longer frighten the people. However, when antiterolation violence has occurred lately, many state officials are still trying to hide their heads in the sand by repeating the "It's pure criminal" mantra instead of trying to build a tolerant attitude with real, open, intelligent, And wise. Tolerance is often equated with grace. However, this is not appropriate because elements of grace mean are opposite to tolerance. Just like tolerance, grace contains elements of things or actions that are not approved. However, grace is not the attitude of willingness to bear the difference, but rather forcing the unapproved is removed, replaced with the approved. And the will of the heart is not so that everyone can live peacefully in a different way, but to force others to live in the same way.
Tolerance is a humble being: others are just as good as mine. Grace is a form of high-heartedness: everyone has to come with me the best and the perfect one. Tolerance is roomy and loving. Grace is petty and hateful. Others do not. 


Basically, the act of riya 'that is based on his intention in doing the deed worship that is addressed to other than Allah SWT. Because of intentions, others will not know that what it does is its purpose is to be praised. Therefore, it's good to recognize some things that mostly thought riya 'and shirk, but not. Riya 'is now so rampant. Although each person has a different level, the goal is to get the human praise and not be sincere. Riya 'is dangerous because it is one of the diseases of the heart that makes a person in the class of hypocrites.
Riya 'can happen to anyone even including the believer who is pious and shalehah though. In a hadith from Abu Hurairah RA, and narrated by Imam Muslim, Rasulullah SAW reported that the first group to be martyred was martyred, studying and teaching science, and giving charity.
Allah will throw all three into the fire of hell because the deeds of worship they do not with the intention to Allah SWT. Word of Allah SWT which means;
"And when they (the hypocrites) stand in prayer, they stand in laziness and riya 'before men and they do not remember Allah except very little." (Q. S. An Nisa verse 142).

Sincerely solve the problem!

Be patient is a word we often hear and say. The word is so light and easy to call and feels good at hearing. However, it is quite difficult to make it happen. The whole point is to do good deeds for God alone. One hundred percent for God, LILLAAH, not ninety-nine point nine percent. Really one hundred percent for God, pure for God and for God without any other. Not contaminated by other intentions even if only zero point one percent or less. Oh how hard.
We will never know the degree of sincerity of ourselves, how can we judge the sincerity of others?
No one knows about the sincerity of others because of his place in the heart and no one knows it except God.
We are commanded to improve ourselves and our intentions and not to discuss the intentions and hearts of others. The person who claims to have committed sincerity means he is not sincere and his sincerity needs to be explained again. Charity which is not based on sincerity or being sincere but contaminated by other intentions is a vain charity by Allah and does not mean the slightest, even the perpetrators will get punishment from it. Oh how harmful.
The one who has spent his wealth, energy, thoughts, time and others will be useless if not pure sincerity, even he will get punishment and regret.
Among the terms of the receipt of the charity is sincere. The lesson about sincerity and intention is a mandatory lesson. May we all know it and be able to realize it in truth so that our charity is accepted by God and not in vain, aamiin.

What's the point of being arrogant?

Many are anxious because worry, worried, anxious. The past comes to mind and continues to create feelings of annoyance, resentment, anger. "If only first .." "He should .." "Why me?", annoyed, angry, do not want to accept. The future is also thoughtfully worried as if our mind can change something
"If this is how ... then what is my fate?" Dizzy, uneasy resent.
Yet all from God and all return to God, Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Which we can not change, which makes hurt forgive it. Do not hurts yourself by saving sad, angry, hurt.
Do not forgive the sign that we feel prestige saving the past unsuspecting signs we are not ridho Forgetting that His favor is more than His disaster That His love is greater than His test.

Too cocky to acknowledge His gift. Too cocky to accept all his provisions. Too proud to hold on to His promise. Too proud to want to pray and surrender to Him.
Be a human being in case of disaster, Say Inalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun all from God, all return to God. Why should you be upset and angry when everything comes from the Supreme Love?
All belongs to God, so return it if Allah wants to take it. All events are created by the Great,
No need to compare, let alone complain. Just be grateful for everything, for indeed all are gifts
Pray, ask for patience and gratitude because that takes also the is rich, the All-Good can give anything
Who wants to see our attitude and heart when the temptation is sent.
Give yourself completely to Him alone hold on to His promise, That every disaster is grateful will be rewarded with gifts that patience will be rewarded with reward without limits, endless.Why be arrogant to Him?